All local functions are programmable with individual command codes via the interface. In general, all functions operate the same in remote as in local. The HP 5334A/B device commands are described in the following paragraphs, and listed in Table 1-1, HP 5334A/B Programming Command Set. The individual commands are organized into groups for ease of description and use.
Most of the alpha characters, used to represent each function in the command set, are underlined on the front panel of the counter. For example, in the MATH/MEMORY group the "M" for the group label, and the "D" for DISABLE are underlined; the alpha character set for Math Disable is MD.
INPUT GROUP. Most commands in the input group are equivalent to pressing a key, or a sequence of keys on the HP 5334A/B front panel, when the counter is in the local mode of operation. The binary commands in this group are equivalent to a single key stroke, and set the corresponding parameter to "ON" (1), or "OFF" (0). Numeric commands, AT and BT, require a numeric entry that sets the corresponding trigger level to a specific voltage. Integer commands, XA and XO, are equivalent to the local EXT ARM SELECT KEY sequence.
FUNCTION/DATA GROUP. All commands in the function/data group represent a corresponding HP 5334A/B front panel key. All function (FNn or FUn) commands are integer commands that require a numeric entry after the alpha characters. The "n" represents the number equivalent to the function selected, as listed in Table 1-1. When a function command is recieved it enabled the corresponding measurement mode. To disable a measurement mode, another function command must be sent.
GATE GROUP. Commands in the gate group are equivalent to pressing a key or a sequence of keys, on the HP 5334A/B front panel, when the instrument is in the local mode. The GS and GV commands, equivalent to a single key stroke, are bindary commands that set the corresponding parameter to "ON" (1), or "OFF" (0). Numeric commands, GA, require a numeric entry that sets the gate time to a specified value.
MATH/MEMORY GROUP. Commands in the math/memory group are equivalent to pressing a key or a sequence of keys, on the HP 5334A/B front panel, in the local mode of operation. The MD command, equivalent to a single key stroke, is a binary command that sets the corresponding parameter to "ON" (1), or "OFF" (0). Numeric commands, MN and MO, require a numeric entry that sets the corresponding math operation to a specific value. Integer commands, MR and MS, are equivalent to the local STORE and RECALL key sequences. (The MR and MS commands are not valid for the HP 5334B.)
HS1 (High Speed Output Mode On): High speed mode sends the HP 5334A/B measurement data to the counter in binary form. The data is sent in 8 bytes, terminated by an EOI with the last byte. In this mode the counter is capable of sending measurement data at the rate of 150 measurements per second. When the HS1 command is sent, it palces the HP 5334A/B in the high speed output mode. The coutner displays the message "FASt dAtA" while high speed measurements are being taken.
HS0 (High Speed Output Mode Off): The HS0 command takes the counter out of the high speed output mode and allows it to function in the normal remote state.
ID (Device Identification): When the ID command is sent, the counter will identify itself to the controller the next time the counter is addressed to talk. The string "HP 5334A/B" will be sent, followed by a cariage return and a line feed. The coutner will wait until the device ID is read by the controller, then resume taking measurements.
IN (Initialize): The IN command causes the instrument to exit its current state and go to the power-on initalized state. If the instrument is in an error state, error conditions 1.0 through 4.4 will be cleared by the "IN" command, however, errors 5.0X through 5.2 and failures will not be cleared.
The initalized states are set as follows: All gate, math/memory, and input signal conditioning will be OFF; the function will be FREQ A (FN1), with AUTO TRIG (AU1) and autoattenuation ON; gate time will be set at 300 milliseconds; math offset value will be set at +0, normalize value at +1; the input A (AT) and input B (BT) trigger levels wil be set at 0 volts, and the internal trigger/sensitivity levels will be OFF (dACS OFF).
RE (Reset): The reset command clears the current measurement and restarts a new measurement. However, unlike the REST/LOCAL key, the RE command does NOT clear errors 5.0X through 5.2, nor any failures.
SMn (Service Request Mask): Upon receipt of the Service Request Mask Command (SMn), the instrument will load the binary value of "n" into the service request mask register. The "n" represents the binary sum of the bits (conditions) you want enabled.
SM0 (Service Request Mask Off): Sending the command "SM0" masks off (or disables) all SRQ conditions. Then this command is sent no condition will enable a service request.
TC (Transmit Calibration Data): When the controller sends the TC command, the counter sends a string of calibration data, preceded by a "C", and followed by a carriage return and a line feed. The counter will wait until the calibration data is read, then resume taking measurements.
TE (Transmit Error): When the transmit error command is recieved, the instrument will send the number of the detected error to the controller. The TE command clears the Error bit (bit 2) in the counter's serial poll byte. It is recommended that "TE" be send in a string by itself, not at the end of another string. The counter will discontinue normal operation until the error message is read. Not that reading the error code will not clear the error.
WA1 (Wait To be Addressed Mode On): WA1 palces the instrument in the wait to be dddressed Mode. The wait to be addressed mode forces the instrument to suspend subsequent measurements, and wait for the current measurement to be read by the controller. This mode is especially useful when used with the service request. The instrument will make a measurement, then alert the controller that data is ready by asserting SRQ when the measurement is completed. This frees the controller to perform other functions while the measurement is available.
WA0 (Wait To Be Addressed Mode Off): WA0 takes the isntrument out of the wait to be addressed mode, and allows it to function in the normal remote state. In the normal state, measurements are made continously, whether or not they are read by the controller.
INPUT | AC | AA0 AA1 |
Set Input A Coupling to DC Set Input A Coupling to AC |
Set Input A Slope to positive Set Input A Slope to negative |
AT<num> | Set Channel A Trigger Level <value> | |
X10 ATTN | AX0 AX1 |
Set Input A Attenuation to X1 Set Input A Attenuation to X10 |
50Ω Z | AZ0 AZ1 |
Set Input A Impedance to 1M-ohm Set Input A Impedance to 50-ohm |
AC | BA0 BA1 |
Set Input B Coupling to DC Set Input B Coupling to AC |
Set Input B Slope to positive Set Input B Slope to negative |
BT<num> | Set Channel B Trigger Level <value> | |
X10 ATTN | BX0 BX1 |
Set Input B Attenuation to X1 Set Input B Attenuation to X10 |
50Ω Z | BZ0 BZ1 |
Set Input B Impedance to 1M-ohm Set Input B Impedance to 50-ohm |
COM A | CC0 CC1 |
Set COMMON inputs off Set COMMON inputs on |
100 kHz FILTER A |
FI0 FI1 |
Set Input A Filter off Set Input A Filter on |
SENS | SE0 SE1 |
Set Sensitivity Mode Off Set Sensitivity Mode On |
dACS OFF (5334A) dACS ON (5334A) |
TR0 TR1 |
Set Remote Trigger/Sensitivity Levels Off Set Remote Trigger/Sensitivity Levels On |
Set External Start Arm Slope to positive Set External Start Arm Off Set External Start Arm Slope to negative |
Set External Stop Arm Slope to positive Set External Stop Arm Off Set External Stop Arm Slope to negative |
FREQ A | FN1 | Frequency A |
FREQ B | FN2 | Frequency B | |
FREQ C | FN3 | Frequency C | |
PERIOD A | FN4 | Period A | |
T.I. A→B | FN5 | Time Interval A to B | |
T.I. A→B [DELAY] |
FN6 | Time Interval A to B with delay | |
RATIO A/B | FN7 | Ratio A/B | |
TOT STOP A | FN8 | Totalize Stop A | |
TOT START A | FN9 | Totalize Start A | |
FN10 | Pulse Width A | |
FN11 | Rise/Fall Time A | |
DVM | FN12 | Voltage Mode | |
FN13 | Read A and B Channel Trigger Levels | |
READ PEAKS A | FN14 | Read Channel A ± Peaks | |
READ PEAKS B | FN15 | Read Channel B ± Peaks | |
FU1-FU15 | SAME AS FN1 through FN15 | ||
GA<num> | Set Gate Time <value> Gate time range is 0.001 to 99.999s. |
GS0 GS1 |
Set Single Gate Cycle Off Set Single Gate Cycle On |
GV0 GV1 |
Set 100-Gate Average Off Set 100-Gate Average On |
MATH/ MEMORY (5334A) |
Set Math Disable Off Set Math Disable On |
Set Normalize <value> Value Range is ±1E-10 to ±9.999-999E+9 (zero is disallowed) |
OFFSET | MO<num> |
Set Offset <value> Value Range is ±1E-10 to ±9.999-999E+9 (zero is allowed) |
RECALL (5334A) | MR0-MR9 | Recall Setup from Register <0-9> | |
STORE (5334A) | MS0-MS9 | Store Setup from Register <0-9> | |
none | HS0 HS1 |
High Speed Output Mode Off High Speed Output Mode On |
none | ID | Device Identification | |
POWER-ON | IN | Initalize | |
none | RE | Reset | |
none | SM<num> | Set SRQ Mask (Refer to Status Byte) | |
none | TC | Transmit Calibration Data | |
none | TE | Transmit Error (Refer to Error Handling) | |
none | WA0 WA1 |
Wait To Be Addressed Mode Off Wait To Be Addressed Mode On |